Improving Lives by Accelerating the Diagnosis of Genetic Repeat Expansion (GRE) Diseases

GRE diseases are common, misdiagnosed, and often deadly. The good news is therapeutics are emerging and 3X Genetics is developing a test platform that will accurately diagnosing Genetic Repeat Expansions (GRE) diseases at a low cost. 

Our initial service offers diagnostic testing for Myotonic Dystrophy (DM1 and DM2) and Spinocerebellar Ataxias (SCAs). In the near future, 3X Genetics plans to offer testing for all sixty-nine known GRE diseases.

GRE Diagnostic Testing

Now: 3X Genetics has developed a PCR-based platform for providing diagnostic testing services to medical professionals. This platform offers low-cost diagnosis of genetic repeat expansion disorders, starting with Myotonic Dystrophy. 

Coming Soon: Seeking to correlate symptoms and disease onset with repeat expansion length, using a new and proprietary sample enrichment process, nanopore sequencing, and AI, 3X Genetics is developing a GRE Test Platform to accurately measure long repeat expansions at a low cost..



Kevin Donahue, CEO: Mr. Donahue is an experienced technologist and entrepreneur. Mr. Donahue holds several patents related to optics and illumination. He is the father of two boys with Myotonic Dystrophy. He has a BS in chemical engineering from WPI and an MS from The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Micheal S. Manak PhD, President and CSO: Michael’s skill set combines a deep domain knowledge in molecular systems biology, biochemistry, and cell biology. Most recently Michael was the Vice President of Research and Development for Cellanyx Diagnostics, of Boston, Massachusetts. Michael has a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, from the University of Florida, Gainesville and a B.S. in Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Hari Nair PhD, FAACC, MBA. CLIA Lab Director: Hari is an experienced CLIA lab director, who has built and certified a molecular diagnostic lab. He has proven expertise in understanding, interpreting, and the implementation of laboratory capabilities compliant with CLIA/COLA/CAP/FDA. Hari provided leadership during COVID epidemic by providing high-volume diagnosis, personally swabbing over 3,000 patients. His professional experience includes more than 20 years in bioanalytical product and service development. Hari has a Ph.D. in Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules and MBA from Yale.


John Quackenbush, PhD, Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: John Quackenbush is Professor of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics and Chair of the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Professor in the Channing Division of Network Medicine, and Professor at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Steven Oldenburg, PhD: Recently, Dr. Oldenburg was a Vice President at Fortis Life Sciences where he managed the diagnostic division. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of nanoComposix, where Steve pioneered the use of nanoparticles in diagnostic test strips. Dr. Oldenburg has a Doctor of Science in Applied Physics from Rice University.

Christopher Sassetti, PhD, Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School: Dr. Sassetti leads a diverse group of geneticists, immunologists and microbiologists focused primarily on efforts to improve treatments for tuberculosis. He is currently a leader in an $11,000,000 NIH funded project focused on tuberculosis treatments, has been a Hughes Foundation Investigator, and was recently elected to the American Academy of Microbiology.

Mark Tarnopolsky PhD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics and the Division Head of Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Disorders, McMaster University: Dr. Tarnopolsky is a graduate of McMaster University and has been a faculty member since 1996. Dr. Tarnopolsky focuses his innovative research on mitochondrial diseases, muscle disorders, and other neurometabolic disorders. Dr. Tarnopolsky holds a Chair in Neuromuscular Disorders from McMaster Children’s Hospital/Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation and is recognized as an international leader in researching neuromuscular and neurometabolic disorders.

Meni Wanunu PhD, Professor, Department of Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Northeastern University: Dr. Wanunu, leads Wanunu Labs, at Northeastern University, which is interested in the mechanisms by which small physical and/or chemical changes to biomolecules lead to global changes in cell fate. Dr Wanunu’s interests include combining optical measurements with electrical measurements to probe transport through a variety of nanopore systems. Meni received a PhD in Chemistry/Materials and Interfaces, from the Weizmann Institute of Science.


Kevin Donahue, Chairman

Allen Downey PhD, Professor of Computer Engineering, Olin College of Engineering: Dr. Allen Downey teaches classes in software engineering and data science as well as physical modeling and simulation He is the author of several textbooks; they include Think Python, Think Stats, and Modeling and Simulation in Python. Dr. Downey received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California/Berkeley in 1997, with a dissertation on operating system support for large-scale parallel computation. His undergraduate and master’s degrees are from the Civil Engineering department at MIT. He is the author of Probably Overthinking It, a blog about Data Science and Statistics.

Richard Kimo Baldwin, PhD, Vice President of Research, Seer: Dr. Baldwin was born in Canberra, Australia and after completing his undergraduate education in Melbourne he returned to Canberra to complete a PhD at the Australian National University in organometallic chemistry with time in both Italy and Germany. He went on to complete postdocs at both UC Irvine and UC Davis in California where his interests in the interface between biology and nanomaterials began. Dr. Baldwin currently works in a VP role at Seer, with a team developing nanoparticles to capture the human proteome from biological samples for both discovery and diagnostics.


Located in Worcester, MA and Manchester, NH, 3X Genetics is a genetic testing laboratory that was founded in 2021 to accelerate the diagnosis of Genetic Repeat Expansion (GRE) diseases. Upon launch in 2024, our NH CLIA certified lab will offer PCR-based diagnostic testing services, assays to support clinical trials, and low-cost long repeat diagnosis via nanopore sequencing. The 3X Genetics staff has over 20 years of medical diagnostic testing experience.

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